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Direction of Use

CROPMAX® is highly concentrated.​ Its dilution rate is but 10 ml of CROPMAX® in 10 liters of water.
CROPMAX® is absorbed through the leaf stomata. Please note, DO NOT SPRAY when the sun is shining intensely. We therefor advise to spray in the morning or at dusk.
CROPMAX® stimulates specific processes in plant growth of all kinds of crops. Depending on the result sought, CROPMAX® should be applied at different stages of the plant's physiology.

To promote growth during the vulnerable early stages.​

Before sowing or planting, pre-soak the seeds or tubers in a solution of CROPMAX®.



​To stimulate the formation of a better root system and thus improve feed and water uptake.​

After the third leaf appeared, spray a solution of CROPMAX®.

Vegetative Stage


To promote the growth and quality of the green matter thus improve the photosynthesis.​

When the plant is between 4 and 10 cm, spray a solution of CROPMAX®.

Fruit Setting


To increase the amount of flowers and promote fruit setting.​

When the flowers begin to appear, spray a solution of CROPMAX®.



To promote the quality of fruits and the formation of dry matter.

When the fruits have set, spray a solution of CROPMAX®.

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